Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hey Poppy

Photocredit for orange close-up above: Harold Davis

Each summer I get obsessed with finding new flowers and plants for our backyard garden. I try to find as many perrenials as I can, simply to save money on replanting each year. Early in the season, in May, I found some poppies at the Brooklyn Terminal Market, and then also at Lowes near Red Hook. However, I've had no such luck growing them. I think they need dry, warm, sunny conditions - and with these continuous showers they have not flourished. I did have one or two bloom, and I'm hoping I might get a few more blooms once this rain stops... in the meantime here are some pics of poppies culled from the web.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Congrats America!

I stole this little saying from my friend Amanda. It does feel like a celebratory time. I also feel the peace buddha is very appropriate and much in need. If I had a spare $18 laying around I would buy it. And save my pennies. You can get one at

Monday, September 1, 2008

fishy fishy

I had a spare moment today to add something interesting to the blog. I picked up an issue of Juxtapoz last week - I love that magazine. So decided to check out their website. How beautiful is this fish mural by Titi Freak? See the progression of it all here, and check out more work by Titi here. Cheers to a relaxing labor day!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

definitely spring

You know it's spring when you hear the ice cream trucks. They are back in full effect. I found this pic on today, by Brandon King.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

i'm back

OK, so the blog kind of died during the winter. I got a side job, and was just so busy that when I had a spare minute I did not want to be on the computer! Well it's spring, and I'm back and ready to share more fun stuff.

To start off, here is a fabulous old settee that's been refurbished by Chairloom. It's $4200. I thought about doing this myself, but the reupholstery quote was nearly $3000.

Anthropologie has some great things too, but I love the idea of not making something new - using an existing piece and giving it a new life.

I also think these pieces are fantastic for brooklyn brownstones. A fun way to freshen things up and stay true to the space.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

creative challenge

OK, it's almost fall...time for new thinking, fresh ideas, cool weather. Time to changes things up, turn a new leaf, etc, etc. My goal this fall was to do something more creative, or pick up a creative hobby. So I signed up for a ceramics class at SVA with my friend TK. We had our first class on Monday night. Stay tuned for pics of my creations. In the meantime, here is something creative you could do. Submit something for the bandana art show. If it's not bandanas, try something else. I dare you.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


His stuff really makes me laugh. Always so insightful, and his commentary on consumerism is so interesting. Check it out at his website here.