Wednesday, September 19, 2007

creative challenge

OK, it's almost fall...time for new thinking, fresh ideas, cool weather. Time to changes things up, turn a new leaf, etc, etc. My goal this fall was to do something more creative, or pick up a creative hobby. So I signed up for a ceramics class at SVA with my friend TK. We had our first class on Monday night. Stay tuned for pics of my creations. In the meantime, here is something creative you could do. Submit something for the bandana art show. If it's not bandanas, try something else. I dare you.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


His stuff really makes me laugh. Always so insightful, and his commentary on consumerism is so interesting. Check it out at his website here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

so pretty

How delicious are these? I love the bright colors and detail. You can get lost in the design. Found via Beautiful/Decay, these mixed media collages are by Gean Moreno. Available at the Derek Eller Gallery.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


I couldn't resist sharing this poster. It captures one of my favorite sayings in such a lovely way. You can purchase it from The Poster List for $9.99.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

graff inspired lighting

I stumbled upon this designer months ago, but couldn't remember her name. It's Donna Brady of Re-Surface in Brooklyn. She's taken pics in Brooklyn and created these amazing light fixtures out of them. I've always found the texture and layering aspect of graffiti so interesting; she's really turned those qualities in to something beautiful. You can find stores where her products are sold on her website by clicking here. Or you can buy directly from her on Etsy.

Monday, September 3, 2007

around your neck

I found these while searching for 'bike' items the other day on Etsy. So cute. You can find them here.