Sunday, April 27, 2008

definitely spring

You know it's spring when you hear the ice cream trucks. They are back in full effect. I found this pic on today, by Brandon King.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

i'm back

OK, so the blog kind of died during the winter. I got a side job, and was just so busy that when I had a spare minute I did not want to be on the computer! Well it's spring, and I'm back and ready to share more fun stuff.

To start off, here is a fabulous old settee that's been refurbished by Chairloom. It's $4200. I thought about doing this myself, but the reupholstery quote was nearly $3000.

Anthropologie has some great things too, but I love the idea of not making something new - using an existing piece and giving it a new life.

I also think these pieces are fantastic for brooklyn brownstones. A fun way to freshen things up and stay true to the space.