Tuesday, June 26, 2007

terrorist or tourist?

So today I decided to bring my camera along for my subway commute. My commute consists of three subway lines, which means many transfers, which equals many urban observations.
I was a little nervous pulling out the camera for two reasons. First, ever since 911 there has been quite a bit of buzz about photography on the subways. Many people thought it was illegal, and apparently police officers would often tell people to put their cameras away, even though it is not actually illegal.

Just to double-check, I found the MTA NYC transit rules:
Photography, filming or video recording in any facility or conveyance is permitted except that ancillary equipment such as lights, reflectors or tripods may not be used. Members of the press holding valid identification issued by the New York City Police Department are hereby authorized to use necessary ancillary equipment. All photographic activity must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

My other hesitation for pulling out the camera was to not be confused with a cheesy tourist. Now, I don't wear a fanny-pack, T-shirt and sneakers to work, but nonetheless there was that little voice in my head saying, "What will that girl with the cool sandals and weird hair think of me?"

Also, after I googled the 'no pictures in subway' topic, I found a cool blog by a guy who takes TONS of great pictures all around the city. It's called Satan's Laundromat.

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