Monday, July 23, 2007

at the beach

Just wanted to let everyone know I'll be at the beach in Florida with the fam this week. I'd hoped to do some posting here, but I have my Dad's work computer which is on some sort of crazy company lock down (I'm surprised they even allow me on this site), and we can't seem to get my sister's 'puter to connect. Happy summer to all!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

make it bright

Bright and bold seems to be a major trend in decorating these days. I love the statement these make. Couldn't you picture them in a room with an amazing graphic wallpaper too?

Blue spider web chairs (sold) from Downtown, available on

Yellow nightstands from Pieces, available on

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

bird pin

Check out this lovely pin, for $12. By Sarah Anderson at Thanks to TK for the reco!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

cuter than cute

Who could resist a plush donut with sprinkles?! Heidi Kenney of My Paper Crane makes all sorts of plush items, from burnt toast to low-fat milks and much more. The adorable donut featured here is $15 and available at My Paper Crane.

Monday, July 16, 2007

another t-shirt

I'm a sucker for t-shirts. So comfy, so expressive. So not expensive :) Check out this lovely T by SPRFKR. You can purchase it for $29.95 at

Sunday, July 15, 2007

owl graf

I collect owls, so I was pleasantly surprised to see this little guy waiting for me near the entrance to the Williamsburg bridge. We were on our way to pick up one of my best friends who just returned from a year of traveling. Welcome back ADP! Check out her adventures at The Lost Girls.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

dolled up

If you browse Etsy or any craft website these days, plush dolls are in. This one is particularly adorable. It's the kind of thing I don't really need, but would love to have. How cute would it be tucked in the corner of a sofa? You can purchase her for $30 from Aussiepatches on Etsy.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

brookadelphia love

I'm personally obsessed with this jewelry line. I bought a pair of earrings, just like the 'ice' ones, but they say 'cheese,' at the recent Renegade craft fair. You can purchase each of these items here, from Brookadelphia. Love.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

lovely lighting

Brighten your day with this gorgeous Lotus Flower Chandelier from VivaTerra. It's made of hand-cut capiz shells. You might not expect great quality for $285, but I've seen this piece in person and it is amazing. It would be really fabulous and unexpected in an entry foyer.

Monday, July 9, 2007

serve it up

If you like to entertain, you can never have enough great serving trays. You could pile this one full of food, or just display on your mantle. You can find it at, for $65.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

urban artwork

I was browsing Etsy this a.m. and I was happy to stumble upon NYC artist DKim who has some lovely city inspired pieces. Check these out. For all of DKim's work for sale, click here.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

kate moss at topshop

Has anyone purchased any of Kate Moss' new line from Topshop? I'm so curious to know what the quality is because the prices are pretty reasonable. You can find it here in the states at Barney's. Her line includes her signature skinny jeans, and some great accessories. Including this adorable sequined scarf.

I'm in love with this Guatamalan Playsuit. So cute for summer.

And not to be a skeptic, but anything will look great on Kate Moss. I wonder how this stuff looks on an average chick like me? Short Dress with Neck Detail (pictured above).

more beach

Friday we went to the beach in Hempstead.

Friday, July 6, 2007

changes on the block

It will be one year in Bed Sty for us this month. I can't believe the amount of development going on around us. Two new buildings on our block. Thank goodness they aren't the ugly Fedders orange brick versions. I hear these are supposed to be condos. I'll post final pictures when they are complete. I am thoroughly convinced that Bed Sty is the next Williamsburg!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

rainy 4th

Yesterday did not feel like the 4th of July at all. We cleaned the house all day and it was rainy. We went to see the fireworks near the Promenade in Brooklyn. It was packed with people despite the rain.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


OK, so last night I felt a little guilty showing gorgeous $600 ceramic pieces that none of us can afford. My thought behind the Hella Jongerius pieces is that they are really art. They are limited edition - so you either buy it because you love it. Or you buy it because you want to collect it and re-sell it some day. Or you can be like me and just look at these lovely objects.

So to make up for sharing expensive pretty things, I thought I'd share this fabulous T-shirt from Target that we can ALL afford for $9.99. I bought it this weekend and I'm wearing it today. I love the exaggerated cartoon-y aspect, but yet, it's just a T-shirt. I can't decide if the belt is playing off the over-done trend of wide belts that started a year or so ago, or if it's more leprechaun inspired....hmmm. What do you think?

P.S. No that's not me in the picture, and I also think this shirt is a little too tight on the model. It should look like a T-shirt, not body paint :)

Monday, July 2, 2007

hello hella

I've always been fascinated by Hella Jongerius' work. It's beautiful, unique and thoughtful. Check out her latest Beads & Pieces collection for Artecnica. I love the juxtaposition of the dark and sweet elements, the hand-crafted with the slick. Even better, this is part of Artecnica's Design With Conscience campaign where they work with artisans in underdeveloped countries to create the designers products, in turn providing fair wages and economic opportunities to the local people. This particular project was based in Peru. You can purchase the Beads & Pieces collection at Moss. (Bottle, $510 and Large Bowl, $695 at Moss.)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

the beach

Today we went to Point Lookout Beach in the town of Hempstead. It was a perfect day, not too hot. Plenty of sun.