Tuesday, July 3, 2007


OK, so last night I felt a little guilty showing gorgeous $600 ceramic pieces that none of us can afford. My thought behind the Hella Jongerius pieces is that they are really art. They are limited edition - so you either buy it because you love it. Or you buy it because you want to collect it and re-sell it some day. Or you can be like me and just look at these lovely objects.

So to make up for sharing expensive pretty things, I thought I'd share this fabulous T-shirt from Target that we can ALL afford for $9.99. I bought it this weekend and I'm wearing it today. I love the exaggerated cartoon-y aspect, but yet, it's just a T-shirt. I can't decide if the belt is playing off the over-done trend of wide belts that started a year or so ago, or if it's more leprechaun inspired....hmmm. What do you think?

P.S. No that's not me in the picture, and I also think this shirt is a little too tight on the model. It should look like a T-shirt, not body paint :)

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